Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Day Has Come

Well, here goes nothing. I'll miss you friends, family and city.

8AM: OMG! I'm so excited to go to Costa Rica, this is gonna be great!

9AM: Oh shit! What am I doing?! This is crazy, I must be nuts!

10AM: I'm gonna meet cool people and see awesome stuff, should be a good experience.

11AM: I wonder if it'd be weird to tell everyone, "just kidding! I'm staying in America...."

12PM: I can already picture myself on a beach drinking a cool beer.

1PM: Oh god, do I have everything I need?! Why am I doing this again?! I'm probably going to get malaria and be attacked by a Jaguar....

2PM: Okay, deep breath Azi, you can do this. You've wanted to travel for a long time, so here goes nothing. Whatever else, it's going to be a new experience and an adventure. Everything will work out and you'll have a great time!

1 comment:

  1. I know I am going to feel so bad for saying this if you actually do get attacked, but it is so funny how you are always going on about Jaguars
